Thursday, January 31, 2013

My Favorite Pins

I spent my last week organizing my Pinterest boards and pinning some cool things!
And just like Julie Andrews would sing... "these are a few of my favorite [pins]!"

Source: via Andie on Pinterest

Source: via Andie on Pinterest

Wanna share some pinning fun? Find me on Pinterest as Andiepants! 

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

The Day I Killed 13.1

I still can't believe I did it.
I still can't believe it happened.

I finally accomplished this crazy dream of mine.

I ran a half-marathon! thirteenpointfuckingone! 13.1 miles!

I freaking did it!

13.1 miles in 2hrs 35mins 

{according to my running app, I ran 13.5 miles in 2:35:55}

What I learned from my first half marathon:
Make sure you test out your gear and your food intake the days of your training runs.
Go to the bathroom as often as you can, before.
Do NOT overindulge on energy gel/ will feel it later!
Hydrate yourself as much as possible throughout your workout.
Start training slow and allow your goal to be finishing the half alive!

This was a breakdown of race day:

3:45am alarm goes off
4:20am packed my (cheering squad) hubby, sister, and bro-in-law in the car
4:45am met my friends (runners and their respective cheerleaders) at the rail station
5:15am arrive at race location and frantically search for available bathrooms. The port-a-potties line was neverending! Make a mad dash to find the bathrooms at Bayside Marketplace.
5:45am picture time between the runners and the cheersquad
6:00am start whistle blows. Do some quick stretches and say my goodbyes to my cheersquad.
6:10am quickly run to my carril alongside the rest of the boys (I snuck from "I" to "C" and "E")
6:15am make a last fix of my outfit and tie my shoes. Set my iPhone to record...and offfffff I go!!!!!
6:45am make fun of the Korean group that kept stopping to take pictures of themselves. I thought it was awesome and hilarious all together!

The rest of the run was pretty fun! I saw the beautiful sunrise while running through the MacArthur Causeway to ward Miami Beach. Waved goodbye to the cruiseships and the folks out on Star Island. And the rest I remember only because I tried to text dear hubby along the way.

7:19am arrived to 5th and Ocean Drive.
7:45am passed the Miami Beach Golf Course and tried waving hello to my other bro-in-law's building, the two times we passed by it!
8:00am stopped at a port-a-potty for another bathroom stop. By this time, I had already taken advantage of most my water stops! Finally on our way through the Venetian Causeway back to the Mainland.
8:30am arriving back to downtown Miami! Near the Omni Mall.
9:15am finally finished!!! Unfortunately, there were so many people at the finish line (family, friends, runners) that the network was overcapacity. I couldn't communicate with anyone!

Oh yeah, and I may have had one to many "Gu" energy packets throughout the race! Reminder to use less or just pick one flavor/brand for the run. My tummy was extremely angry all day!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ready or Not, Here I Come!

It's almost that time peeps! 

The big race is around the corner. In less than 24 hours I will have accomplished one of my bucket list items!! 
To run a half marathon...13.1 miles to be exact.
Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer so that I survive running all 13.1 miles :)

I haven't been able to train the way I would've liked this week. I ran 4 miles on Wednesday and 3 miles on Thursday. I got a yucky cold and have been feeling congested all week. So instead, I trained long enough to not get tired and worsen my condition. I feel I need to be at 100%, this week I've been between 70% and 80%.

Eating...well, I'm trying to make healthier choices. However, I will need to focus today on eating my best. And maybe the morning Krispy Kreme was not the best choice. Heck, I still got a few hours and a kickball game to make it all better!

Today is also dear hubby's birthday celebration so I may or may not be avoiding BBQ food!

Monday, January 21, 2013

What I Wore in Green!

Look at that…another outfit post from me!

Truth is, it took me two days…TWO DAYS to get hubby to come out with me to do this “photoshoot”. I have to say I am proud of him though. He has improved a lot, in his camera holding skills and his patience for my amateur modeling…if you can even call it that!

Well, lucky for you all, I was able to dig in my box of fun and come out with something decent for today! Only in Miami can you get away with wearing white pants during the winter. I guess you can call this a spring outfit? At least it’s comfortable enough to wear sleeves today. 

Yes...he asked me to go behind the fence
and do a little roar too.

Shirt: Old Navy | Capris: Gap {similar} | Glasses: c/o Firmoo | Necklace: Kohl's {similar} | Bracelets: Gifted | Shoes: Payless {similar}

I decided to accessorize a bit more than my usual and I am quite happy with the results! Although I usually wear contacts lenses, I decided to add a pair of glasses for a fun twist!

Haven’t you noticed that glasses are the fun, new accessory to wear nowadays?! Whether you are wearing prescription glasses or non prescription ones, you will be sure to update your look. And yes, even look like a sexy librarian…or a sexy accountant as some of my friends have mentioned. Hubby dearest was excited for this sexy and modern look and encouraged me to wear these out to dinner with friends. I got a chance to tell them where I got them too!

These little bad boys came from Firmoo! They have a great array of frame styles for either sunglasses, prescription, and non-prescription glasses. Their website is easy to use and you can even a upload a picture to test out how the pair you chose looks on you! So hurry on to try your new look! Firmoo has launched a First Pair Free Program to people worldwide. You will absolutely fall in love with the excellent quality, affordable prices, fashionable designs, fast delivery and the good service after trying them by paying shipping only! You even can get a refund/exchange if you are not satisfied with them. It's totally Risk free, so why not have a try? Click here ( to get your free glasses now!

What do you think?

A Joyful Giveaway!

My lovely amiga Allie from A Day in a Joyful Life is having a 500 GFC reader Giveaway!!!!

A few of us got together to give one lucky reader a 
$100 gift card to the store of her {or his} choice
Here are the details:

There will be one winner who will be given a $100 gift card to the store of their choice. The giveaway will be live from 8 am ET through next Sunday, January 27th. The winner will be announced on Monday {the winner's entry will be verified!}.

We all agreed that we aren't necessarily fans of giveaways that require us to follow a bunch of people you have no interest in following, so none of the entries are mandatory. I do encourage you to check out these blogs and follow along where you want to, and hopefully we can all find new blogs to read and people to connect with throughout the week! Good luck!
Good luck lovelies!!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Liebster X 2

Wow...has it really been almost a week since my last post? Well I've actually been working on this little beauty for a while now ;)  And I'm so happy I found some wonderful new blogs to share it with. The lovely Nat at 23seventeen nominated me for a Liebster award a few weeks ago!
I have done this little puppy before [Liebster Award Time], but this time, it's Natalie's rules!

- Each person tagged must post 11 things about themselves.
- They must also answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for them.
- They must then choose 11 bloggers to tag & award with the Liebster award (nominees must have less than 200 followers). These lucky bloggers must be told in a comment on their blog.
- They must create 11 more questions to ask bloggers they have decided to tag.

1. In mid-December, I signed up to run my first half-marathon in January. Scratch that off my bucket list!
2. My favorite coffee drink is Starbuck's Tall Cafe Mocha, non-fat, no whip, 2 pumps. ooooh, and the infamous Pumpkin Spice Latte.
3. I married my high school sweetheart 11 years after we became "official" boyfriend and girlfriend.
4. My brother and sister have green eyes. Me, on the other hand, I have dark brown eyes.
5. I did a little road tripping to watch a certain come back boyband [NKOTB] on tour from 2009-2011.
6. I really want to travel to Turkey, Greece, and France.
7. I own way too many boots, scarves, and coats for a Miami girl.
8. I've been sleeping on an air mattress for the last month.
9. The first time I got drunk I was 16 with my friend in Mexico.
10. I wanted to be a singer when I was little. Now I'm just a superstar in the shower and in my car.
11. I was in a movie [here]! I actually made it on screen for about 15 seconds! (ok maybe less, ha!)

QUESTIONS (from Natalie):

1. What is the meaning behind your blog name?
My friends called me Andiepants and I love to travel...although I don't do much of it as I'd like to. I wanted a place to put up my photographs from my travels for others to see.

2. Why do you blog?
Now I blog to tell others about me. To vent. To journal my life and my dreams. To laugh at my shennanigans. oh..and to post my photos!

3. What is your favorite song of all time?
That's hard to say. I can change favorite songs all the time. But I guess "Total Eclipse of the Heart" is definitely one of all time faves. The one currently on repeat is Taylor Swift's: I Knew You Were Trouble"!

4. Which hair style do you wish you could pull off. (provide link if ya wanna)
Bangs! I really want the straight bangs hairstyle! Unfortunately my hair is wavy and a little greasy and so is my face. So things get stuck on my face in a non-pretty way.

5. What is your next book you are planning to read? What is it about?
I've been stuck on the Hunger Games since the summer. I already watched the movie, but I figured I get started...or finished before the other movies come out!

6. I will ____________ (fill in the blank)
I will finish the half-marathon in less than 2hours and 30minutes! I think I can. What do you think?

7. What is your favorite app on your phone?
I'd have to say Instagram and My Fitness Pal. However, I think MapMyRun has been my friend lately as well... :)

8. What is that ONE thing you can't live without?
My iPhone. I'd probably be ok with someone stealing my wallet more than my iPhone! Oh wait, that did happen!

9. What is your favorite outfit?
I'm a jeans, shirt, and boots kinda gal. Although a bikini on the beach with a pina colada is an awesome outfit too ;)

10. Chocolate or Vanilla. 
Oooh! I can't decide. Can I have both?

11. Tell us the first thing that pops up in your head...
I should be doing work instead of working on my blog! lol...need more time in my life!

Kasey @ Barely Fabricated
Angela @ Please Mommy No More Daddies
Alyson @ Acorn Photography
Stephanie @ Never The Same Spice Twice
Chi @ S U N N Y DAYS R' L O V E
Sidney @ News, Notes, and Nightcaps
Whitney @ Michael + Whitney
Jillian @ Faith That Laughs
Rachel @ Floral and Fudge
Kayla @ My Kind of Yellow
Melissa @ The Real McCoys


1. What was the last movie you watched in the movie theater?
2. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?
3. What did you want to be when you were little?
4. Do you have a bucket list? How many things have you crossed off so far?
5. What is one style you wish you'd never worn? or lived through?
6. What does your closet look like? Take a pic!
7. Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
8. What is the craziest thing you have ever done? Or that you remember doing?
9. Do you remember the name of your first crush? What was it?
10. What was the last concert you attended?
11. What is the one thing you wish you did more of?

And that's it for now!!
I hope you enjoy my questions and getting to know me a little more ;)

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Random Thoughts on an 8 Mile Run

so i took two days off from running.

happy hour on friday where pizza and booze flowed
two house parties on saturday where football, music, alcohol, and fried food were king.

needless to say, my 6am time to get up bitch! alarm was completely ignored on sunday.
a couple of hours passed
i rolled to my right and i rolled over to my left.
did a little bit of this:

i finally got up while everyone else was still asleep.
i realized i didn't have a choice: today is the day i would reach mile 8.

running gear on, packed my energy gu and my water.
i definitely did not want to pass out in the middle of my jog.
off i drove towards the nearest golf course.
at least i wasn't the only fool there.
walkers, runners, and cyclists.
oh my!

gave my self a little pep talk.
i can do this! i can do this!
it's only 2 times around the course
eight miles...eight miles...fuckmylife...eight miles!!

guess i had no choice.
so off i went.

why is everyone staring at me?
mental outfit check: blue socks to my knees, pink shirt, black pants, green headband.
mental note, turn on lights before picking work out clothes.

my pants are giving me a wedgie.
how do i adjust without....err....nevermind

stupid shin splints are not supposed to start for another 2 miles.
i'm not even at my first mile

am i going the right way?

where are the walkers so i could feel like the road runner next to them?
this is run waayyyyy easy.

running app says: 17minutes, 0.5 miles
punk'd! i got wayyyyys to go

damn cyclist getting in my way.
he veered into me and i had to move off the road!

awww look at the cute little ducklings
hurry up ducks

that's a cute little pup up ahead
dog pops a squat...aaahhhhh
avoid the poop! avoid the poop!

time for some gu
yummy apple lime gu
time for some water
where's my water bottle
in the car and we're at...mile 4

almost halfway!

stop to refuel

i can do this
breathe into a bag
gather more oxygen into my brain

ok, let's do more time

waaah my knees are hurting
take a deep breath
slow it down...sllllooowwwww it dooownnnn

don't walk, don't walk
oh yeah, get it runner girl

what a pretty building
i definitely don't remember it the first time around

to the woman walking her dalmatian,
pongo better not chase after me

boogies running down my nose
sweat getting into my eye...aaaahhhh
i need a towel

at least the music is pumping
and weeeee are never ever ever ever ever everrrrrrr
i'm sexy and i know it
wheeeerree have youuuu beeeen
you make me feel lalaalalalalaaaaa

i'm almost there!
a little more running.
finally at 7.5 miles
when does it stop?
where is my car?

i'll start walking after the tree,
ok maybe after the closer stop sign
running app: 1hour 30mins, 8 miles
perfect timing!

i made it
i survived
but still, pray for me
i'll be doing 8 miles again this week to prep
next weekend's goal: 10 miles!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Just Because I Say So...

This never gets old!

Sad thing, I know many people that talk like this in Miami!

Oh yeah, and there's a part 2!

Have you seen the YouTube vids with "Shit ______ say"?! 
Fill in the blank with the city and if its boy or girl....some are so true and so funny!

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Runner Girl 2 - Reaching 6 miles

15.2 miles in 3 days. I think that's a great start, don't you?

Yesterday and today I decided to invite a couple of friends to run at a nearby lake in the morning. Although yesterday was a pretty fun calm run, it certainly did not prepare me for today.


The run was freaking tiring but freaking awesome at the same time. I am still recovering from today's run 6hours later! Maybe my motivation was sparked by my friend Eddie, who is also running the half-marathon.

Oh my gawwwd! Thank goodness it was a nice day and overcast! The first part we ran/walked it. We may have skipped a bridge and therefore skipped 2 miles of the 8 miles around the lake. But dude, that second half after that was awesome and a killer! Eddie, Kenny, and I ran most of it! 

It really does help to have people by your side. The boys didn't really want to stop unless I asked them to. They didn't want to be "mitches" or "man-bitches" for requesting to stop before me...ha!

My legs began hurting at mile 5 only because I had decided on some strength training a few days prior and I was still sore. My feet, well, I can't decide the type of socks to wear yet, but I did come out with a blister in between yesterday's and today's run. 

Mental note that for race day: I will need to purchase a couple of compression socks as well as a belt to carry water for my jogs.

Having someone wait for you and tell you "Let's go!" "You can do this" also helps a ton! I usually run on my own because I don't like lagging others or myself behind. So this little bit of encouragement just rocks my socks!


Oh yeah, and I was also much inspired by all the other ING runners that were out there training today. They either had a camel pack or their water belts. haha!

I am extremely happy to say that today I completed a 6.09 mile run in 1 hour and 16 mins. Killing a total of 597 calories! Not bad I'd say for a run/walk! 

Let's get this! 

Repeat Sunday - Saucy

You know how sometimes certain things remind you of certain people? 
Well this video right herrrre is utterly disgusting and laugh-out-loud hilarious all at the same time. 

It reminded me of my hooch Shannon over at Gin and Bare It

Yeah...she is a little bit of both plus a lot of lovely!

Warning - video content may be extremely offensive to many people! 

Hilarious or Disgusting? You be the judge!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Coffee Talk - It's the New Year!

It's my very first Coffee Talk of 2013!!! 
I'm so happy my buddy Natalie over at 23seventeen got this baby back up and running for 2013.


1. It's 2013! What will be the first thing you do that is memorable?
Run my first Half-Marathon at the end of January! I'm shitting bricks, but it's something I've been wanting to do for the last 3-4 years! Read more about it [here].

2. It's also income tax season... what do you plan on doing with all of that $$$?
Not sure if I'll get all that money back..but if I do, it'll go back to my savings!

3. What are your 2012 pros/cons?
Cons: Ending some friendships. Getting caught up with work. Bouts of depressions. Gaining 25 pounds.
Pros: Learning to love me again. Learning to like my job. Linking back with my friends. Learning to laugh and forgive myself more. Blogging!!!

4. What are you looking forward to this year?
Buying and moving into our new home! Hoping to either fix my 10 year old blue Cindy, or replacing her with a brand new car! 


5. What was your favorite movie, CD album, book of 2012?
Movie: Brave, Django
CD: Don't really have one, but I love Pink and Maroon 5!
Book: The only book I read this year, 50 shades of Grey

Don't forget to sign up for the New Year Giveaway [Here]! There's still time!

Link up peeps!!

Runner Girl Part 1: The first 2 weeks

On 12.12.12, I finally decided to do it. My friends had been bugging me for awhile and I figured, why not?
I mean, unless I made it official I wouldn't take it serious to begin with, right? And so I did.

I will run the Miami ING Half-Marathon on 
January 27, 2013!!

It only took me 3 years, because I'd always say that running a half-marathon would be my goal for the year in 2009, in catch my drift here? I never got the courage to sign up in the past. However, this time I am determined to finish! Well, to be quite honest, I don't think I have a choice. It's either run or be swept by the pick up bus. If the bus picks you up, then you truly are screwed because you won't get that medal. 

Part of this involves training. I don't have a training bone in my body. Ok, I lie, maybe I do. I've ran at least 7 other 5K (3.1miles) races in the last 3 years. So yeah, I've trained before and got super duper skinny because of it. But that only required me to be "training" for 45 minutes, tops. 

Thing is, training for 13.1miles is a lot more work and dedication! It involves running for over 2hours! Just imagine doing that twice weekly at least! Well, I couldn't fathom the work! This is why you now have me here a few weeks from the start date and I am shitting bricks! Luckily, I have a program that requires me to run/work-out 6 times a week. Am I doing it as I should? Probably not. I may have skipped a day or two. The best part is, I am actually doing it! 

I know I will not run the entire 13.1 miles, but what I will complete it with intervals like run 4mins, walk 1min. Whatever...It's a start! Next time I'll zoom myself to one of those Disney Half-Marathon races! Baby steps people!

My very first run towards the 13.1 goal was on December 22.  
It was the perfect "Miami Winter" day. Wish all my running days were like this:

Some days, I have to crosstrain, so I'll head to the gym. Which that equals to no running outdoors...bleh...If only I learned to strengthen my legs a little more so they could withstand the asphalt, life would be grand. I hate weight training though. Any tips on making strength training on my legs fun are highly welcomed!

Yesterday's gym adventures included picking my favorite treadmill (it was an empty gym!), doing my HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), a little elliptical work, and some upper body weight training. 
***Just a heads up, HIIT Training is the BEEEZZZZZ KNEEZZZZZ!!!! I lost sooo much weight and got in amazing shape just by doing this daily and it only takes about 20-25 minutes to burn loads of calories.***  

So long for now...until my next runner girl post...

Have you started with any of your New Year's goals? 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Rules in Life

Some rules I'm learning to live by..,

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Welcoming 2013 a widdle CRUNK!

Us broke and stylish kiddos in the Miami area are always worried as to the best place to ring in the New Year. This time, it was the same freaking story. Look for the best party spot at the lowest cost. Little did we know...we just had to leave Miami to find a good party spot. No really, Miami NYE events are overpriced and well overrated. 

We decided to make reservations at YOLO...I swear, the restaurant is called You Only Live Once - YOLO. What called our attention was that the club next door had a $20 cover...that my friends is unheard of! Then again, the drinks weren't free. forward to Dec 31st...
Our friends decided to cook dinner so we can then have appetizers at the restaurant. Dinner was soooo good! Homemade mac & cheese with mushroom and made with truffle oil. [I'm still working on getting the recipe]. Oh and short ribs...delish! Oh and did I mentioned we fueled up with tons of champagne!?! 

Then the girls decided to make our nails a little sparkly...

All parties full of IGers begin with some fun photo ops. 

Needless to say, we skipped on YOLO, and walked right into the fun at Vibe!
Ohhhhh yeah!

Can you spot the drunky eyes?

I think we were far too wasted to take pics at midnight...but there you have it...

A beautiful end to a fun night!

PS - The rest of the story wasn't as fun, considering my friends' home was broken into and we didn't realize it until after we had had our post fun midnight food and coffee. Cops came to visit, fingerprints were dusted for. But that's another story that shall be kept from my first memory of 2013.


The End!