Saturday, January 26, 2013

Ready or Not, Here I Come!

It's almost that time peeps! 

The big race is around the corner. In less than 24 hours I will have accomplished one of my bucket list items!! 
To run a half marathon...13.1 miles to be exact.
Keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer so that I survive running all 13.1 miles :)

I haven't been able to train the way I would've liked this week. I ran 4 miles on Wednesday and 3 miles on Thursday. I got a yucky cold and have been feeling congested all week. So instead, I trained long enough to not get tired and worsen my condition. I feel I need to be at 100%, this week I've been between 70% and 80%.

Eating...well, I'm trying to make healthier choices. However, I will need to focus today on eating my best. And maybe the morning Krispy Kreme was not the best choice. Heck, I still got a few hours and a kickball game to make it all better!

Today is also dear hubby's birthday celebration so I may or may not be avoiding BBQ food!


  1. congrats chickie! good luck on your race. :)

  2. The morning Krispy Kreme was just for energy. At least that's what I tell myself.

  3. The morning Krispy Kreme doesn't count, just like my morning muffin didn't count. Good for you for getting out and training when you're feeling sick!


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