Monday, September 3, 2012

I Think I Can Dance....errr Drink

Oh My Lyrical and Contemporary Gaaahhhh! 
It's Nick Lazzarini and Travis Wall from So You Think You Can Dance and All The Right Moves! deep breath in....out....

These boys are as beautiful in person as they are funny and sweet :)
I love meeting "famous" people, and by "famous" I mean those individuals that people other than my close friends recognize, haha! I tend to play 6 degrees of separation, and therefore, everyone's got a bit of fame in my book! Maybe I'll even take a picture with these celebrities if I'm looking halfway decent! Don't get me wrong, I am no paparazzo nor do I chase stars down Ocean Drive on South Beach. However, if the right amount of liquid courage is poured (a.k.a. lots of liquor is inhaled), I can become so uber ballzy, that I will even talk to you like if I'm your new BFF!!

Trust me, I have no business striking up a conversation with you unless I've had a few. Yeah, I know they are regular people, however, I'm somewhat nervously shy and hate small talk because it makes me feel awkward! I know...I'm a little crazy. Therefore tons of liquid courage is highly suggested!

I had already "met" Travis last year at the same club and around the time "Step Up Revolution" was being filmed in Miami, although he was not on set when I was filming scenes in the movie (click HERE to read more on my "movie stardom", totally kidding...but its pretty funny actually). At the moment when my friend Kelly spotted him while dancing, I was like..."SSQQUUUEEEEEEEE!!!!! They are herrrrreeee!!!!!!! *HICCUP* Travis is awesome! But I want Nick!!!! *mini hiccup* He is an amazing dancer too!" So after 4 glasses of wine and 2 vodka drinks just like that, I made BFF's with Nick because I recognized him! He was so hilariously funny the whole time, and I don't recall him ever giving me the "Get this drunk b!tch off of me" look. The tragic part of it all, is that hubby got more out of Travis than I did. So...yeah...maybe I should cool off on the drinks, but we had had wine and tapas earlier that night, and the club drinks were just the icing on the drunky did I not wake up with a hangover the next day...not sure but it was funny and a super fun night! 

I even heard JLo's dancers were at the club...too bad I can't play 6 degrees with them! ha!

Have you ever met a celebrity? 
Who was it and how did it go?


  1. That's hilarious! There's certain things I would never do, but then when I'm around my one super crazy friend I start to do all kinds of mischief and I say and do stuff that I never would otherwise. That's what makes life fun, I guess! Just found your blog and have enjoyed getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

  2. I'm in the same boat as you re: needing drinks to help to talk to certain other individuals.

    It is probably a worse thing for me, though, being a guy.

  3. I have definitely never met a celebrity, and thats probably a good thing, because I know I'd make a fool out of myself if I did!

  4. Neat post!
    Thank you so much for following me & following you back in return!
    My Lyfe ; My Story


  5. Neat post!
    Thank you so much for following me & following you back in return!
    My Lyfe ; My Story



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