Thursday, August 30, 2012

Inspire Me Healthy I think I AM gonna do this.

Dont Quote The Raven

No, really, I promise I am gonna do this.
You see, I was on this health kick over two years ago.
I was up at the crack of dawn, hitting the gym in the morning and stomping the pavement that same afternoon. 
I loved how I felt and I loved going running everyday!

Then life happened... 
I quit my job to start my year long grad school internship.
After graduation followed a few months of unemployment and then I finally started my 1st year of work in the education system, the job I had buried myself in books for for over 4 years...yeah THAT job! 

To say the least, I hit a bottom.
Not only with my health, but also with my self-esteem, my marriage, my friends, and everything else in between. 
You could say I "let myself go". 

Fast forward to today: parts of my life are back in shape. 
I am loving me for who I am, for my mistakes, and for all of the things I have learned!
I am still working on making my fitness my daily routine.

Summer time came and went...and I was doing awesome during the last 2 weeks before work started. Unfortunately, work began and I just stopped going, doing, running, eating healthy...regularly.

But today...TODAY: I am happy to say I went to the gym!

****HOORAY FOR MEEEEE!!!!!****

I know it was only one day, but I want it to be the first day of many to come in one week.
I am not doing this because I hate the numbers on the scale, because I don't let them define my health. I am doing this because I want to be back at my peak. I want to be healthy in mind, body, and soul. I will know I have reached my goal when my clothes are not so tight and when I can feel confident wearing those skinny jeans and body forming shirts!! 

Here is my "post work out pic" from a month ago...I hope I can have many more photo ops like these...without the ghostly looking face!!

Because THIS is what I want to go back to:

Wanna join me in this adventure?


  1. Girl, I feel like you took the words right out of my mouth! I've let myself go as well. With a full plate of being a wife, mother of two kids who are in sports, full-time student, caregiver for my 80 year old grandma and then there is life -- I've fallen through the cracks with my health. I use to run everyday and work out. I've run 5k's, 10k's and half marathons but now I am not happy with myself. It's not a number on the scale that I'm looking for but to feel healthy and be physically fit so my self-esteem isn't in the toilet and my clothes fit comfortably. COUNT ME IN!!!

    Bring it.



  2. My Andielicious, you're beautiful inside and out! I know you can do it! Maybe I should join you...I can definately use a kick my rear. Love ya!

  3. I have totally fallen off the wagon too . . . which is ridiculous because I mostly work from home and can totally make time for daily workouts/runs. I was doing so well at the beginning of the summer, but was sorta derailed by vacation and have had trouble getting back in the swing of things. Here's to making it happen!

  4. Count me in! Actually, this is what my entire blog is about - getting back to feeling good about myself and strong.

    Okay, and I have to say that you look amazing in both photos!

  5. It's cool that you want to feel better, I know how that is because I am definitely not where I was a couple of years ago! I let myself go and I want to get back to where I was and to feel healthier!! =) I am doing this same thing!! Well I am trying to lose weight and get back into shape.... I started a little support group on my blog, where we share healthy recipes, our goals, and our progress for moral support!! I know I can use all the support I can get =)... Best of Luck!!!!


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