Thursday, July 10, 2014

Playing with colors

I recently decided to get a new 'do and play with some colors. And why not? I don't work during the summer and I won't have any parents looking at me weird for having crazy hair. I haven't colored my hair in over a decade, so I figured, it's time to try something new. And so I went a little wild and followed these pins for inspiration.

I really wanted to go for blue streaks, rather than purple, but I couldn't really find any blue streaks on Pinterest for me to show my stylist. She finally told me, that the blue would end up fading into green and she suggested to go for purple instead. Despite her suggestion, I still pushed blue streaks for my hair. Therefore, we compromised and she added both fashion colors to the blonde streaks she had to create on my hair in order to strip it of color.

She and I couldn't be any more happy with the results as she even took me outside to take pics to add to her Instagram!

And below, are my selfies. It's hard to appear inconspicuous when the neighborhood gardeners keep driving by.

Alhough I probably should've listened to her because two weeks later, my blue streaks are now beginning to fade into green. C'est la vie!
I totally love my new 'do and can't wait to wear it out and long as its not hot, humid, nor raining. Then the color will bleed, I will begin to sweat, and the locks will turn into poof balls. 

Have you tried anything new lately?

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1 comment:

  1. Usually I don't like any primary colors in hair but it looks really good on you!! It's subtle and different without being too over the top. Your hair is gorgeous!


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