Friday, July 18, 2014

Fusion of the day: Korean/Peruvian/Cuban

So the other day I decided that it would be a great idea to just have  a wine, fruit, and cheese type of dinner. I mean, why not? You have your fruits, dairy, and your calcium! Healthy, right?!?

Yet, something told me it may not have been the best choice, but whatever. I needed to "wine" down. I was starting to get super anxious for my trip! Yipeeee!

The next day, my foodie friends saved me and decided I needed a sensible dinner. The stashed hubby and I in their car and drove us to a land not too far away, yet once we arrived to FINKA, it appeared that we had just traveled over 30 minutes to the "chic" area of Miami. "FINKA" is a deliciously amicable friendship between Peruvian/Korean/Cuban cuisine. I may be a little biased in regards to Peruvian being the tastiest cuisine, but really, the fusion, mesh, intro, presentation was to die for!

Early in the night, I asked the bartender to make me a "Chilcano" a refreshing mix of Pisco, lime juice, and ginger ale. So tasty!

Anyhow, here some of the dishes we had for dinner. And like all great foodies, we order plates to share! Everyone has to taste everyone's food! So dig in and see!

We were extremely pleased with the food and the prices! Yet, we felt a bit shafted since they did not take reservations on a Thursday night and we had a 50minute wait. Although the music was great and jamming, the volume could have been a bit lower. We were yelling at each other while seating a few inches across from each other at a table! But even with these comments, I would still come back here in a flash!

What would you do?!?!

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