Monday, August 13, 2012

Repeat Sundays with Some Confessions

Well hello there lovelies!

I love it when the stars align and the day is just overly peachy or was it?!
Since we are all in a Great Britain state of mind because of the Olympics I figured I'd share Ellie Goulding's version of Your Song...makes me think of fat little cute babies growing up :)

So I've also decided to link up with super fun and sweet blogger Alyx and her Sunday Confessions Link Up!

So maybeeeee DH and I had a little spat earlier know what? It is awesome that he is just as conscious as I am now to think of the situation. I think we are both making a conscious effort to be more understanding of each other. I mean really, nobody is perfect and the only person you can ever change is yourself.


I'm still somewhat anxious...It'll be my first week back at work after a summer full of getting to know me. Thing'll be my first time starting at a school and my job, prior to classes starting so I have a lot of questions that I need to answer tomorrow.

I have indulged in wayyy too much food in two days. From Coca-Cola rice (yes!, use coke instead of water!), bruschetta, stuffed mushrooms, baked brie cheese with strawberries, olives, and steaks.

So I didn't see super quick weight loss results from Insanity in 2 weeks, so I started running instead. Let's hope I can give running the focus I did year's back.

I may own a DSLR...however I have no clue how to use it! Well, I need to learn more about apertures, ISOs, and lighting....well someday I guess!

Oh...and I guess Alyx and I may share the same yucky habit to pop pop pop ;) It gets worse when I'm anxious!

Until next time darlings...I need to wake up early to hit the pavement...or the treadmill :)
AND don't forget to link up with Sunday's Confessions!


  1. I love Alyx!!! She's the sweetest. So happy to see you link up with her. Maybe I should take 5 minutes of my Sundays to link up with her too. :( I'm a bad friend, I know. :/

    Coca cola rice?! Yikes friend, that sounds like something that would give you the runs...Im going to pass on this one.

    You can always borrow my nieces to test out your DSLR. :)


  2. I'm Indonesian and in Indonesia rice is our main source of carbo. but i've never cooked it with coke. aww, i don't know about that. haha. do i have to try it?

  3. I'm still trying to learn how to use a DSLR too! So many different buttons and features. I need to really study it.

    I love the video by the way!

  4. Did you say coca cola rice?! I've never heard of such a thing it sounds strange and delicious all at the same time lol

    Ugh learning a DSLR can be frustrating at first but once you get the hang of it it'll be like second nature ;)

  5. Aww, you're makin' me blush! Thanks for the kind words.

    And... thank you for her version of this song - I'm in love!! it's absolutely perfect.
    Wait... coca-cola rice? What does that taste like?
    And keep going strong - getting in shape takes time!! Good luck with your weight loss!

    Thanks for linking up, and sorry I didn't stop by or see it sooner!

  6. I didn't get past the video. Maybe now that it's finished I will. I've never been a huge fan of Ellie, but this song...took my breath away. So beautiful. I'm going to add it to my playlist for my daughter <3

    Also, I'm incredibly thrilled to have found your blog!! I can't wait to read it ALL.


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