Friday, August 24, 2012

Cool, Not Cool, Undecided: Oh what a week!!

I'd thought I'd spice up this blogpost a bit by linking up with sweet Janette from Janette The Jongleur. She is a lovely blogger and avid photog from SoCal and you should definitely visit, link up, and follow her if you haven't what are you waiting for?!?!


This has been a very interesting week to say the least...

On the bright side, work may be *IS* cancelled Monday (thanks Isaac)
My friend gave us tix to the Miami Dolphins game tonight...
Hubby is making sure we party it up tonight at his brother's bar for Michael Jackson night!
 I'll make sure to have my big ass drink and hopefully it looks like this...!!!!

Waaah...waaah introducing my Debbie Downer post...

My car breaks down Monday on the first day of work
Demanding parents began visiting work on Tuesday and my work laptop crashes
Hubby's car visits the auto shop on Wednesday
Played work politics on Thursday
My work laptop is stolen from the trunk of my car last night!

I think I deserve a big ass tall drink tonight!

Spending the day indoors knowing that everything around town is closed because of the rain and the wind.
Using the extra time to work from home to catch up...I guess I will see the fruits of my labor later!
To have folks over at home for a Hurricane I want to clean up later???



  1. Oh my goodness! I sure hope your weekend goes a lot more smoothly. And what kind of drink is that? Looks delicious!

  2. Man that is a busy week, car and computer down?!?! It's like you are living in the 1800's!!! But at least you got to go to the Dolphins game!! That is awesome!! Cute blog!!

    PS I found you via Janette's blog. And I started following you!

  3. I remember school being cancelled bc of hurricanes ;-)

    Hated work politics, even when I worked in full time ministry their was always always work politics. Now I just deal with the politics of an almost two year old ;-) haha

  4. HI! Visiting from Janette's blog...and now I'm craving a big, icy, yummy drink! ;) What a good way to kick off the weekend, right?!

    SO sorry that your laptop was stolen! :( My camera was stolen last Thanksgiving and it was just terrible. BOOO thieves! :(

    Happy Weekend to you!! xx


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